Since its establishment, N∴G∴L∴R∴ has had an accelerated process of integration and positioning in the Universal Masonic Chain, the Romanian Brothers being extremely involved in various high-class Masonic actions and activities, both in the country and abroad.
During the communist period, although many of the Brothers were arrested for belonging to freemasonry, others were persecuted, and some of them met their end as a result of the actions of the regime, freemasonry in Romania had continuity. After this period of sad remembrance, however, from the time the Lights were rekindled in 1993 until today, N∴G∴L∴R∴ has developed and continues to develop relationships with over 200 Regular Grand Lodges, on all continents.
The Masonic Brothers in Romania have fraternal relations with active Masons from all Regular Grand Lodges with which N∴G∴L∴R∴ has and maintains relations of fraternal recognition. Lodges from the N∴G∴L∴R∴ Jurisdiction have over time twinned with numerous Lodges from other international Jurisdictions, also contributing in this way to the universal Masonic work.
In 2014, N∴G∴L∴R∴ organized the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges in Bucharest.
For the duration of one mandate, Romania had the honor of having through the Grand Master the position of Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Freemasonry in Romania went through a period of reset as an organization.
Following several abuses of power, the former Grand Master - Radu Ninel Bălănescu - was dismissed by the Special Commission established by the Brothers of N∴G∴L∴R∴ according to art. 9.4 of the Constitution, which is identical to the Landmark "Abuse of Power by Grand Master", as well as the similar provision of the UGLE Constitution.
Following a short period of Pro Tempore leadership under the gavel of the Most Worshipful Brother Manole Iosiper, the Masonic Brethren of N∴G∴L∴R∴ elected in the subsequent Extraordinary Convent on April 17, 2021, the Most Worshipful Brother George Ivașcu as Grand Master, along with an entirely new leadership team. In the Ordinary Election Convent of April 2023, the Most Worshipful Brother Vlad Năstase was elected as Grand Master, marking the first validation of the Grand Line mechanism.
In a historic moment for N∴G∴L∴R∴, we were delighted by the thoughts and words of the first Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges – RW Thomas W. Jackson – through the letter addressed to the Brethren gathered in the Extraordinary Convent on April 17, 2021 Masons from Romania are an active part of the Universal Regular Masonic Chain, representing their country with pride and honor, in the spirit of the Masonic values that bind us and that have made this brotherhood last so many years and withstand so many trials throughout history .