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The Convention held on April 22nd, 2023, elected as the Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania (M∴L∴N∴R∴) the Most Worshipful Brother Vlad NĂSTASE.
CurRiculum VitaeFreemasonry arose in the history of the world from work and symbols. The Order worked tirelessly to make good people even better.
Freemasons work in society to make it better. This is an important goal of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry in Romania, for more than 140 years, toils alongside the people of this country.
The National Grand Lodge of Romania is an integral part of the Universal Fraternal Chain.
Regular Freemasonry in Romania is represented by N∴G∴L∴R∴ through the Lodges that constitute it.
Respectable reader, Freemasonry is a path for the few to the moral and spiritual benefit of the many. It is an ancient, traditionalist, well-defined and built path for those who want to overcome their human condition, to become models of free builders of a modern society based on progress, fully respecting the national, cultural and religious values. Work is the highest goal by which a free man understands to perfect himself. Through work, with selflessness, the seeker will succeed to rediscover himself and reposition himself coherently in the work we have to fulfil.
CONTACT N∴G∴L∴R∴Freemasonry is an initiatory order built on high moral concepts and customs, on honest humanistic values such as the freedom and equality of people, tolerance towards the political and religious thinking of its members. The foundation of a Freemason is freedom of thought, expression and action in full harmony with the secular, moral and religious laws of the society to which he belongs. He is a faithful keeper of the faith in one Great Creator, symbolically named in the Masonic initiatory context, the Great Architect of the Universe, He who by word and love of men created them all.
CONTACT N∴G∴L∴R∴Initiation into Freemasonry is a complex and continuous process of self-transformation. An alchemical process of rediscovering the ancient duties, passed down from master to apprentice through diligence, wisdom, consistency and faith, over many centuries, with the help of many generations of Freemasons. It is a book whose content is written with dignity and devotion every day, a unique path whose zenith is formed only by walking. We invite you, kind reader, to contribute to this book through your dedication, faith and work, to walk with us, through endeavor, the path of your becoming.
CONTACT N∴G∴L∴R∴The Grand National Lodge of Romania, apart from its specific Masonic training activities of its members, supports civil society through several aid projects, education, culture, civics and national identity, civic diplomacy, leadership, constantly contributing to the development society.
With roots going back to the medieval guilds of stonemasons, Freemasonry is the oldest initiatory society in the West and is not dependent on any religious institution. With nearly ten million active members, it is the largest fraternal organization and initiation in the world.
The fact that Romania gained its state independence in 1877, boosted Masonic actions to establish a large sovereign Obedience in Romania. The founding of the National Grand Lodge of Romania took place on the 8/20th of September 1880. Captain Constantin Moroiu was elected as Grand Master.
They are great personalities of cultural, scientific, military and political life. A Grand Master is a title of honor, as well as an office in Freemasonry, granted - by majority vote obtained within a Convent - to a Freemason, he being thus elected to oversee a Masonic Jurisdiction.